Dhruba Naug (dhruba_at_colostate.edu): The Boss (with apologies to Bruce). The only constant among all the variables.

I am interested in all questions about behavior, but with a strong bias toward those about social behavior, energetics, foraging and cognition. I have a weakness for big, grand theories that aim to explain everything under the sun with one broad stroke and model systems in which you can test such theories.
Kord Dicke (kord.dicke_at_colostate.edu): Graduate Student

I am from Scottsdale, AZ and received my undergraduate degree from the University of Arizona where my major was Environmental Science with an emphasis in biology. I am now a grad student in the GDPE program at Colorado State. My research is focused on individual and colony level differences in life history traits of low and high metabolic rate bees. Other broad academic interests include the influence of climate change on bee populations and influences of the varroa mite parasitism on honeybee behavior. In my spare time I enjoy watching and playing sports, especially soccer, along with hiking, running, and traveling.
Elizabeth Rylance (elizabeth.rylance_at_colostate.edu): Graduate Student

I grew up near Seattle, WA and completed my bachelors in Neuroscience at the University of Washington. During my undergraduate research I studied olfactory learning in insects, which sparked my initial interest in behavioral and cognitive ecology. I am now pursuing my graduate degree in Ecology at CSU where my research will focus on individual and group-level cognitive variation in honeybees. I’m excited to be in sunny Colorado, and look forward to exploring the Rockies, whether by mountain bike, snowboard, or on foot.
Asmita Basu (asmita.basu_at_colostate.edu): Graduate Student
Leo Mowery-Evans (leo.mowery-evans_at_colostate.edu): Undergraduate Student

I am from Broomfield, CO and I am an undergraduate student at CSU. I am majoring in Biology with a focus in Evolution and I am minoring in Mathematical Biology. After I graduate, I hope to further pursue research in graduate school. I like to play and watch soccer, spend time in the mountains, and run.
Mary Sheppard (mary.sheppard_at_colostate.edu): Undergraduate Student
Past Graduate Students
Julian Cassano, now a teaching associate at the University of Washington
Catherine Tait, now an editor at Cell Press
Abbie Reade, now a student advisor at Colorado State University
Stephen Mugel, now a Ph.D. student in Public Health at Emory University
Keziah Katz, now a data engineer at Tamr Inc.
Jacob Scholl, now a Scientific Information Analyst at National Institute of Health
Craig Feigenbaum, now a lecturer at Pueblo Community College
Christopher Mayack, now a research scientist at USDA
Past Undergraduate Students with Independent Projects
Anna Bautista
Brielle Hermstedt, now a vet student at Ohio State University
Amanda Lark
Aja Mattise-Lorenzen, now a high school teacher in Fort Collins
Jennifer Campbell, now a high school science teacher in Denver
Robin Scudelari, now a scientist at City of Raleigh Municipal Government
Sarah Jaumann, now at University of Minnesota
Beth Kessler, now an assistant director at Cooperative Institute for Research in Atmosphere at Colorado State University
Ann Gibbs, now an economist at Skumatz Economic Research Associates